
About Me

Hello - I am Pete Willcocks.

I am a member of the Hampshire Woodturners Association and a very keen woodturner looking to develop my skills as a craftsman.

I live in Southampton and use my home garage as my workshop.

Visitors are always welcome even without an appointment!

History of project

From my early days at school I have always had a keen interest in wood.

All of my professional career was spent in electronics and medical electronic research and as a father of two boys, family committements made it difficult to embrace my passion of wood fully.

That is of course until I retired  - I can now spend hours upon hours buried in wood-shavings and feeling very happy!

Several years ago I joined the Hampshire Woodturners Association as a novice and started my journey along the path of the joys and frequent challenges of woodturning.

Our users

My aspirations for this website are to make it a warm and inviting shop for anyone who is interested in crafts and wood.

Woodturning has a very wide diversity of applications and likewise I have been fortunate to work in some of those different areas.

I have committements to customers in garden furniture, fishing  and shaving accessories aswell as assisting as an instructor with the Minstead Training Project for adults.

My connection with Arts and Craft Fayres has helped to make me aware of how innovative people are when faced with a challenge or too much time on their hands!  I therefore welcome any requests for my involvement, whether in producing woodturned items, advice or instruction. I am always very happy to help.